Master Asset Classes: Fixed Asset Register
Master Asset Classes are accessed via the View Icon within the Master Asset Classes area of the Fixed Asset Register's Set Up screen top Ribbon.
The Master Asset Classes provide defaults for setting up Asset Classes at client level. The columns are the same as those for the client Asset Classes.
The Master Asset Classes are part of the CCH Accounts Production versioning system. This means that CCH ship values that relate to the CCH chart of accounts for each entity. These CCH Master Asset Classes cannot be edited.
However if the user creates a new Practice Master Pack then the Master Asset Classes can be edited. The documentation on creating Practice Masters is attached :
Although the Master Asset Classes cannot usually be edited, the Asset Classes that are created on each client can be edited as the Master Asset Classes only provide defaults for setting up the client Asset Classes.
The Master Asset Classes are accessed through the Set Up screen and can also be accessed through File > Maintenance > Accounts > Master Asset Classes.