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CCH Software User Documentation

Document Tasks

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Document Tasks grouped by a category – Toggle group on/off

The option, Toggle group on/off is available in the Document Tasks Home Page control, to allow users to select or deselect only the items within a group if the grid is grouped by a field.


To select items from a group using the Toggle group on/off option:

  1. Group the Document Tasks grid by a field, e.g. Department.
  2. Select a row within a group where no items are selected: e.g. Department: Administration.
  3. Click on the Toggle group on/off button.
  4. All the items that belong to the selected group (in this example: Department: Administration) are now selected.

To deselect the items from a group, click again on the Toggle group on/off button.

Bulk Re-assign

A Bulk re-assign button is available to the bottom of the Document Tasks home page control:


To use the button one or more documents have to be selected by ticking the check box on the left of the grid. If no documents are selected then the following message box appears:


Where one, or more, documents are selected then the standard Find Employees window appears:


This window is used to select the Employee to assign the Document Task(s) to.

Access to this button is control by the Central Task Permission: #Task #Can Reassign that is contained in the Group Description equal to Client.

If you do not have permission to re-assign the document task then the following message box will appear:



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