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CCH Software User Documentation

Document Preview Function

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Whilst using Document centre you can preview the first page of a document.

Enabling Document Preview 

 Right mouse click in the document list or column and then select Show/Hide Preview or click on  clipboard_ea12e02d21ea9097463f17cc9b79805e1.png in the Common group in the ribbon


This displays the Preview pane between the main screen and the search/Properties panel.

Tip: You can resize the document preview by clicking on the edges the preview pane.

Now each time you select a document a preview of the first page is shown.


Detach Document Preview

You can right-click and select Detach. To display the preview in a separate window.


The detach window is sizable and can be dragged to another monitor or maximised to full screen. 

Document Preview Detached Window.png



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