Other Taxed Income
Other Taxed Income Summary
To access the data entry area select Other Taxed Income in the Data navigator.
The summary window displays a summary of the income received and tax deducted for each accounting period within a period of account.
Click on the Taxable Income to enter details of the income received.
Description - enter a description for the source of income. If there are multiple entries required to be made in this window then the description of the expenditure on each line should be unique.
B/fwd - Enter an amount of income brought forward in the first period
Per accounts - enter the amount of income received
Taxable - Enter the amount of taxable income
Tax Deducted - enter the amount of tax deducted from the source of income.
C/fwd - this amount is automatically calculated by the software and is the result B/fwd plus Per accounts minus taxable.
Other tax deducted - enter any Other tax deducted.