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CCH Software User Documentation

Other Taxed Income

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This section explains how to enter details of Other Taxed Income.

Other Taxed Income Summary

To access the data entry area select Other Taxed Income in the Data navigator.

The summary window displays a summary of the income received and tax deducted for each accounting period within a period of account. 


Click on the Taxable Income to enter details of the income received.


Description  - enter a description for the source of income. If there are multiple entries required to be made in this window then the description of the expenditure on each line should be unique.

B/fwd -  Enter an amount of income brought forward in the first period

Per accounts - enter the amount of income received 

Taxable - Enter the amount of taxable income

Tax Deducted - enter the amount of tax deducted from the source of income.

C/fwd - this amount is automatically calculated by the software and is the result B/fwd plus Per accounts minus taxable.

Other tax deducted - enter any Other tax deducted.



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