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CCH Software User Documentation

Recording Shareholders

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How to record Shareholders
Allotments and opening balances 

You can set up new Shareholders by recording share allotments and new share acquisitions via transfers. If you do not know the share history, you can record an allotment as an opening balance for the member’s holding along with the date of the balance.

To record allotments, select Allotments from the main page or Company > Share Centre > Shares > Share allotments from the menu:


The current active share type will be shown, and you can add allotments by selecting Add a share allotment (share type). If there is more than one class of shares you can change the active class by selecting the Choose a share type option highlighted in blue above.


Enter the details of the allotment, ticking the Opening balance checkbox if entering a starting position.

If you are entering a new allotment you can enter the certificate number, which can either relate to an existing certificate or will be used for the certificate if you generate it from the system. The Number in the register and Certificate number fields will be calculated by the system and pre-populated but can be edited if required.


Printing share certificates

You can print share certificates using the menu option Documents > Share certificates:


Click on the icon in the first column to generate

Share transfers
  1. To record a transfer, select Transfers – under Current Shareholders from the Home Page when in a chosen company or select Company > Shares Centre > Add Transaction (Green button at the bottom of a page) or click on a quick link green button Share Centre at the bottom of the home page as shown below



2. The current active share type will be shown, and you can add a share transfer by selecting Add a share transfer. If there is more than one class of share you can change the active class by selecting the Choose a share type option.


3. Enter the details of the transfer ensuring that you enter any residual balance of shares held that need to be included on a balancing share certificate. The system will populate the register number, the certificate number for the new shareholder and the balancing certificate number for any residual holding. Certificate numbers can be edited if you have already created physical certificates with different numbers.

4. Within the Share Centre you will be guided by a series of questions to guide you step by step - see below:


Printing share transfer minutes and Stock transfer form

1. To produce the minutes, select Documents > Transfer shares > Share transfer minute from the menu:


This page will be pre-populated with the transfers recorded for the company. Tick the checkbox by the transfers to be included in the minute, click Go to meeting details and follow the instructions on the screen.

2. To produce a stock transfer form, select Documents > Transfer shares > Stock transfer form from the menu:


3. Click on the green pencil in the first column to get into the transfer form record


4. Select the relevant options and click Show form and follow the instructions on the screen.

See Printing share certificates for details of how to produce the resulting share certificates.

Note; Because Annual Returns have been replaced by Confirmation Statements this could cause duplicate people records (in some scenarios).  For information on how to resolve this click here


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