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CCH Software User Documentation

Bulk Update Wizard: Consent - Expiry Date

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Consent – Expiry Date is available in the Bulk Update Wizard for Clients and Contacts, giving users the ability to bulk update the Expiry Date for the Consents set on Clients or Contacts.

To update the Expiry Date for a consent, select the clients or contacts from the Find Clients or Contacts screen then click on Bulk Update option from the ribbon.

GDPR - bulk update.PNG

In Step 1 of Bulk Update Wizard, select Consent – Expiry Date from the Field Name drop down list and click Next.

GDPR - bulk 1 - 3.PNG

In Step 2 set values for the following fields and then click Next:

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  • Extra Field/Category Name: Select the Consent for which you want to update the Expiry Date.
  • Expiry Date: Select an expiry date for the selected consent.

In Step 3 the Confirmation tab of Bulk Update Wizard, displays the number of records that will be updated. Click Finish to update the Expiry Date for the selected consent.

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  • If the Expiry Date is successfully updated for all the selected clients, the following dialog will be displayed:

GDPR - bulk - record updated.PNG

  • If the Expiry Date cannot be updated, a dialog will appear displaying the name of the clients or contacts and the reason for which the selected consent cannot be updated. Export to Excel is available on this dialog, allowing the ability to export to Excel the details from the grid.

Bulk Update confirmation error.PNG



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