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CCH Software User Documentation

Modifying Security Group Details

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Security groups are used to group employees together who will use the same features of the database. Employees can be grouped together for various reasons but normally, it is because they are at the same staff level or they perform similar duties. You can amend a security group as long as it is not being used by the system.

Modify Security Group

  1. On the main menu, click File > Maintenance > Security > Security Group Maintenance.

  2. On the Security Group Maintenance window, edit the Name or Description of a security group.

  3. Click Buttom OK.PNG to save the changes and close the window.

Central - Maintenance - Security - Security Group Maintenance.PNG


If you have Super User permissions, you can create a new Security Group based on an existing one by right clicking a group to copy it.


As Security Groups have links to employees within the database structure, users will not be able to delete a group if there are employees allocated to it.


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