Bulk Update - Employee Stationed Record
- Practices are now able to Bulk update Employees’ Stationed record within the Find Employees > Bulk Update option:
- Select Stationed and then Click Next
Stationed Option: provides the user with the following three options:
1. Create new stationed record
2. Update existing Primary record
3. New stationed record and mark as Primary
Create new stationed record
In selecting this option, users can create a new stationed record in addition to the Employees’ existing stationed records.
Note: The standard validations appear when creating a new stationed record for Start Date, Company, Office, Department, Centre and Category.
Update existing Primary record
In selecting this option, users can update one or more fields within the Employees Primary stationed record. As the Start date generally reflects the date the employee joined/(was created) and is what is used in the Primary record, the Start Date is unavailable to be bulk updated. Where a start date associated with a Primary station record is required to be changed, this can be performed within the specific Employees record.
New stationed record and mark as Primary
In selecting this option, users can create a new Primary stationed record. This applies an End Date (1 day prior to the Start Date used on the new Primary record) against the original Primary stationed record.
Note: The standard validations appear when creating a new stationed record for Start Date, Company, Office, Department, Centre and Category.