Creating a new employee
Add a new employee by using the Add New Employee Wizard. This wizard guides you through the process of creating an record of an employee in the database.
You can cancel creating the employee by clicking Cancel on any Step of the Wizard. After Step 2, you can save the employee details you have entered and exit the Wizard by clicking Finish. You can later complete remaining employees details using the fields on the Employee Details page.
Before clicking Finish you can also edit any steps in the wizard by clicking Back.
Note: Mandatory fields are flagged like this or in a red font. It means the field must be completed before you can move to the next step in the Wizard. If you attempt to move to the next step without completing a mandatory field, you will see the warning icon
beside the mandatory field. You must complete the field before you can move on.
From the Main Menu select File > New > Employee. The first window of the Wizard opens - Step 1 of 5 Employee Personal Details.