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CCH Software User Documentation

Addresses tab

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The Addresses tab on the Contact or Client Page is where you add, create and edit addresses and phone numbers connected with a contact or client. If you use the Add New Client Wizard, the information you enter in the Wizard will appear on this tab too. The primary address and contact numbers also appear on the Main tab of the Contact or Client Page while secondary addresses and numbers only show on the Addresses tab.

The Address Maintenance window


You can search for an address by selecting an item from the Search for list to search on, for example ‘Town’ or ‘Post Code’, then entering a which starts with value for that item and clicking Search.

You can view which contacts or clients are linked to existing addresses. The heading for each address will tell you how many times it has been used in the system. To see the contacts using a particular address, select the address heading (highlighted in blue), and click the Show icon in the Task Bar. The Contacts/Clients/Suppliers Using Address window displays the contacts using the selected address.  You can open a record on the list by clicking on the contact/client name hyperlink.

You can edit or add an address by clicking the Add/Maintain option on the Task Bar, and editing directly in the Address Maintenance window by selecting the address line and typing in the fields.

Add new addresses by entering details into the blank Add New Address box entry in the window. You can choose whether to create a link to the selected contact at the same time or whether to save the address in the database and link it at another time or to a contact other than the one currently selected.


You can add and edit addresses in the Address Maintenance window regardless of whose Contact or Client page you access the window from. However, if you want to create a link from an address to a contact, you will need to open the Contact or Client page for that contact to create it.

To unlink the connection between the contact or client and an address, use the Unlink option on the Task Bar. The address remains in the database but it no longer relates to the contact or client.

To delete the address from the database entirely, see Deleting a contact or client address.

If you want to use the contact or client's name and address, click Copy File:dirname/central/040_Contacts+and+Clients/070_Contact+or+Client+Page%3A+Addresses+tab/icon_copy.gif (located in the middle of the page, below the tabs in within the address tab). The information is copied to the clipboard. Go to the application you want to put it in and select the Paste option.

You can also store any extra contact details for the client here in the Other Details area. For example, you may want to record a website address or personal email. Select a description from the dropdown in the blank line of the Other Details area and then enter the relevant number or value for it. Select a line and click Delete to remove any old data here. Any email and website addresses added for the client are live links, so you can click to open a blank email or access the selected web page.


The Addresses and Phone and Other Details types are created by the system administrator via Maintenance > System > Address/Phone > Address Type... and Phone Number/Email Address... before they can be accessed from within the Addresses tab. An address type can be used only once per client.


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