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CCH Software User Documentation

Task Bar Options

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As you navigate through the application and perform various tasks the information on the Task Bar changes. Clicking a Toolbar icon displays associated Task Bar options.

Depends up on licenses and plug-ins installed, the Toolbar will show all or some of the options below:



When you click Clients on the Toolbar, depends up on licenses and plug-ins installed, the Task Bar under menu Tasks will show all or some of the options below:

Task Bar under Tasks under Clients.PNG


When you click Contacts on the Toolbar, depends up on licenses and plug-ins installed, the Task Bar under menu Tasks will show all or some of the options below:

Task Bar under Tasks under Contacts.PNG


When you click Assignments on the Toolbar, depends up on licenses and plug-ins installed, the Task Bar under menu Tasks will show all or some of the options below:

Task Bar under Tasks under Assignments.PNG


When you click Employees on the Toolbar, depends up on licenses and plug-ins installed, the Task Bar under menu Tasks will show all or some of the options below:

Task Bar under Tasks under Employees.PNG

Smart Reports

When you click Smart Reports on the Toolbar, the Task Bar under menu Tasks will the options below:

Task Bar under Tasks under Smart Reports.PNG


The Task Bar changes again when you search for a record and the specific details page opens. The Task Bar is explained with each details page.



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