Calculate Opening Balances
New Period Opening Balance
For example, assume you have processed a portfolio for the period April 6 2019 to April 5 2020 within CGT and Dividend Scheduling. When you first open the period April 6 2019 to April 5 2020 the system will convert the Balances Carried Forward as at April 5 2019 into Balances Brought Forward as at April 6 2019.
These balances will then be available on the Balances B/F screen for inspection and editing should the need arise.
In the great majority of cases when an acquisition is made within one Tax Year it will appear in the following year as a Balance transaction.
For example, an acquisition in June 2019 will appear as a Purchase transaction in the Tax Year it was acquired but in 2020/21 it will appear as a Balance B/F transaction.
However in some situations, normally towards the end of a Tax Year, a transaction will be carried into the later year as a Sundry transaction.
For example, an ex dividend acquisition made in March 2019 will appear as a Purchase transaction in the Tax Year it was acquired but will appear as a Sundry transaction in the 2019/20 Tax Year although retaining the narrative of Purchase.