Multiple TB Processing
As indicated in the Data Enrty section, on the TB Control tab in the Client control data dialog is an option to allow you to indicate if the client has multiple TBs and the rounding account to use for rounding differences on conversion. If the option is not checked then the system operates as set out elsewhere for TB and journal entry. However, if it is checked then the system triggers the multiple TB facility and the way that the system reacts varies as set out in this section.
When running with multiple TBs, the system shows additional items on the Reference menu, [Multiple TB chart] , and on the Data entry menu, [Consolidate] and [Consolidate figures].
Reference menu
Clicking on [Multiple TB chart], displays a list of the currently defined TBs. This operates in much the same way as the other lists in the system, allowing you to add or edit the definition of each TB.
Click on the [Add], [Edit] and [Delete] buttons to edit the list. Click on the [Print] button to print it.
The TB Definition dialog is used to add and edit entries and it allows you to enter or edit the following:
Number From 1 to 99
Code Unique 8-digit code - If you wish to run the automated consolidation routine, the code must be the audit pack code of the subsidiary client to be imported into this TB.
Name The name of the TB is for identification purposes only.
Factor The conversion factor to use when consolidating the trial balances, this will default to 1. The conversion is carried out by dividing the entered or imported TB by the factor.
The system also stores the conversion factor for each of the 9 years history and these can be accessed by clicking on the [Previous periods factors] button.
When you close the definition list, the system will check to see if you have edited any existing conversion factors and if you have it will reconvert the stored TBs and run the consolidation routines.
Data entry menu
Once multiple TBs have been turned on for a client, data is entered into the individual TBs and not the main TB. On selecting [Current TB], from the Data entry menu, the system will display the Multiple TB data entry dialog.
Select a TB to edit from the list and click on [Load]. The TB will be loaded for edit. On closing the TB edit dialog the system will return to the Multiple TB data entry dialog. You can now select another TB to edit, or close the dialog. On closing the dialog, the system will run the conversion and consolidation routine if you have made any changes to the TB.
On selecting [Prior TB], the system displays the above dialog with the [Load] button replaced by a button called [Next].
Select the TB to be edited and click on [Next] and the list will change to display the past years:
You may now select the year and click on [Load]. Edit the TB and close the dialog and you will be returned to the Wizard. Select the next year to load or click on [Back] to return to the TB names list and select another TB to edit. Click on [Close] to close the dialog. On closing the dialog, the TBs will be converted and consolidated if you have changed the data stored in any of them.
Consolidate tabs
This option allows you to import TBs from multiple Audit Automation packs and consolidate them. On selecting this option, a dialog will appear in which will be listed the TBs that you have defined, each with a checkbox. If the TB code represents a valid audit pack code, the item will be active, if not it will be inactive.
If the system cannot find all the subsidiary audit packs a message appears indicating that this is the case. You may tick the active TBs to indicate that the system should import them from the underlying audit packs. If the subsidiary pack is attached to a different master pack you will be advised of this and asked if you still wish to carry out the import. In some cases you will, i.e. the sub is attached to a different version of the same master pack or to a different master but one with the same TB structure.
If during an import the system discovers account numbers in the subsidiary chart that are not present in the group chart, the accounts are added.
Having selected all the TBs, click on [Proceed] and the selected TBs will be cleared, imported, the consolidation run and the TB analysed and variables and equations calculated, and a report displayed of the actions carried out.
Print consolidated figures in consolidated figures - Data entry
On selecting this option, a sub menu will appear listing the 10 years data stored, click on the year to be printed and the report will be compiled and displayed in the View report dialog. The TBs are printed 3 to a page showing the entered figures and the converted figures, and the consolidated TB will be printed on the last page.
Multiple TB journals
In a Multi TB client, when you click on the [Journals] option the system will display a Multiple TB journal entry dialog to allow you to select the TB that journals are to be entered for. The first entry is the consolidated TB and the others the defined TBs.
Select the TB name and click on [Journals] and the Audit journals list will be display showing the journals for the TB selected. In all other respects the routines operate as described on page 61.
Effect of audit journal on the consolidation TB
The entered TBs remain unaffected by the audit journals but the “converted” TBs include any agreed journals. The consolidated total for each account is the consolidated TB after individual TB journals but before any consolidation journals.
On the consolidation report both the entered amounts and the converted amounts are shown after agreed journals and any account that has been changed by a journal is shown in bold.