Generate Journal Posting File
As explained in the section dealing with data entry, you may enter audit journals to reflect amendments which have been discovered during the course of the audit. For users who are integrating with an accounts production package, a facility is included to allow Audit Automation to create a posting file of agreed journals which they can then import into their system.
Audit Automation keeps track of which journals have been committed to a posting file and you may therefore generate any number of posting files during the course of the audit, allowing you to import your journals into your accounts production system to produce revised draft accounts as and when necessary.
General journal posting file
To create the general posting file, select Export journals from the Utilities menu. The system will display the standard Windows Save As dialog, suggesting a name for the file. The file will be stored in the client directory and the name will be calculated by appending the first 5 letters of the client’s name to “OTH” and adding a three-digit extension starting at “000” for the first file, “001” for the second, and so on.
Either accept the file name and directory suggested, or enter your own choice. On clicking on [OK] the system will scan the journal file and export any agreed and unposted journals found. A message will be displayed if none were found, otherwise the system will return to the Pack menu.
The format of the posting file is user definable for the system and is covered in the next section.
Specific journal posting file
Where you are using an accounts production package with which we have created specific links, you do not have to define the format of the posting file but simply select the options that will appear on the Utilities menu bearing the name of the system. To create a specific posting file, select Name of AP system journal posting file from the Utilities menu. The system will check that you have imported the last posting file created and, provided that you have, it will proceed to create a file containing all the unposted journals that have been agreed with the client.
The format of the posting file is fixed and has been agreed between the supplier of your accounts preparation software and ourselves. The posting file is created in the third-party link directory set up by your System Manager and will be given a name based on the code of the client and an extension of ".PRO".
Posting journals to CCH Accounts Production
For details of the integration provided with Accounts Production, please refer to the data transfer between Audit Aitomation and Accounts Production section above.