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CCH Software User Documentation

Appendix 2 - Error Codes

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This section describes the error code you may encounter while using CCH Audit Automation.

During processing, error conditions can arise, some of which will be simple warnings if you have tried to carry out a function which was not logical, and others will be an indication of a fundamental problem. Listed below are all the critical errors which can occur together with some of the simple warning messages. An indication is given of the cause of each message and the action which should be taken in each case.

Message Solution
Initials or password not accepted The user code or password entered was not acceptable to the system. Ask your System Manager for the correct code or password.
Account is active The system has tried to delete a record, e.g. a nominal code, which holds balances and cannot therefore be removed. Make a note of the code and try to delete it again after the next annual balance forward.
Audit pack directory not found A work area directory does not exist for the code selected. This can only happen if you have previously created a work area and the directory and files have been deleted manually. Use the Remove pack from system option to delete the code.
Unable to load control file The work area code selected does not contain Audit Automation data. This can only happen if you have previously created a work area and the files have been deleted manually. Use the Remove pack from system option to delete the code.
Not enough space on disk This message can appear on copying an audit pack. The destination does not have enough free space to hold the pack to be copied to it. Either use a different disk or destination drive.
Unable to remove directory On removing a pack, Audit Automation will delete the directory which held the data. If the directory contains sub directories it will not be possible for Audit Automation to remove the directory and this message will be displayed. Either accept the existence of the directory for use by the other application or move the data to another directory and remove the old directory through File manager. Whichever action is taken the existence of the directory will be hidden from Audit Automation as it will be removed from the work area index.
Using existing data On creating a new audit pack Audit Automation has found that a directory of that name already exists, and it contains Audit Automation data. In these circumstances, Audit Automation will add the existing pack details to the index and return to the Main window.
Printing in progress You have selected an option to print a schedule but Audit Automation is still attempting to print your last printing request. This can happen if you try to print to a local or network printer that is not available. The best solution is to close down Audit Automation and relaunch it.

Fundamental errors

Message Solution
Critical error 1 The system halted during data entry. This can only normally happen if there is a power failure or a hardware fault occurs during data entry. It is likely that your data set will have become corrupt and you should recover from the latest back-up.
Critical error 2 The system halted during a balance forward. Probably due to a power failure or hardware fault during a balance forward. It is possible that your data set will have become corrupt and you should recover from the latest back-up.
Critical error 3-6 This indicates that the system powered down while a critical routine was being executed, such as importing a chart of accounts, importing data, etc.. The data will be corrupt and you should recover from backup.
Critical error 99 A problem occurred loading the pack control file.
Critical error 100 An error occurred during an update from one release of the software to another, or during processing a data fix. Recover from backup and try again. If the error persists contact CCH.



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