Change passwords and edit users
You may change your password at any time by selecting the [Edit password and user details]. On selecting this option, the system will display the Edit password and users dialog box, first asking you to log in if you have not previously identified yourself to the program.
Edit password and users dialog box
Note! The system does not allow the entry of more than four characters when entering the staff initials in the staff details screen.
When the dialog box is presented, the insertion point will be in the password entry box and your existing password will be offered for edit. If you are the user displayed in the dialog, then the [Show/hide password] button, , is enabled and you can click on this is to show your password. Type in the new password you would like to use and either click on [OK] or press <Enter>. Passwords may be up to 15 characters and are case dependent.
Your new password will be stored for use from that point on.
Editing users
If you have logged in as the system manager, with the initials MNGR, or you have system manager status, user level 0, the Edit password and users dialog box will not be populated, but will be presented with the insertion point will be positioned in the initials entry box to allow you to add, edit or delete users as follows:
Adding a new user
To add a new user, enter the initials of the user to add, which will not currently be present in the user list, and press <Tab>. The insertion point will move to the name entry box to allow you to enter the name of the user. Enter the name and press <Tab>. The insertion point will move to the E-mail entry box to allow you to enter the users email address. You can either type the email address or select it from the Exchange address book using the [Address book] button. (System managers can enter and amend any users email address. Other users can edit their own email address.) After entering the email, press <Tab>. The insertion point will move to the password entry box to allow you to enter a password for the new user. Passwords may be up to 15 characters and are case dependent.
Enter the password to be used and press <Tab>. You will need to confirm the password again, then pre <Tab>. The insertion point will move to the level entry box to allow you to enter the user level to be associated with the new user. Enter a level from 0 to 5, see below, and click on [OK] to complete the entry. The new user will be added to the file and the dialog box emptied so that you may continue to add, edit or delete more users.
If you do not have any more edits to make, click on [Close] and the dialog box will be cleared.
User Levels
CCH Audit Automation recognises 7 user levels from 0 to 5 plus an unnumbered level. The lower the number the more access the user is allowed to the system - a user of level 0 being given unlimited access to all areas. The various user levels and their access abilities are as follows:
0=System Manager
The System Manager has access to all routines and can add, edit and delete users.
1=Partner: The partner has access to all but the following areas of the programs:
• add, edit or delete users
• remove a pack from the index
• the master packs
2=Manager: A manager is given access levels to allow him or her to operate the system and gain access to all the areas that a partner can. However, any partner specific options, such as the partner sign off of audit areas, will be disabled and he will not be able to select them.
3=Senior: A senior is in a similar situation to a manager, options which are not relevant to his or her level, e.g. clearing manager notes and manager sign off buttons, will be disabled.
4=Junior or semi senior: A junior or senior has restricted access to the system allowing them to enter or edit the trial balance, enter journals (but not release them), access audit programme and checklist completion and enter notes.
5=Read Only: A user with an access level of 5 will only be able to view data. All editing options are inactive at this level.
100=Staff only: Users under this level can be included in the staff details and budget sections but will not be given access to the software.
Information! If any user tries to access backup data, the system will default to an access level of 5 thereby prohibiting the records being changed and the risk of information being entered on two separate systems.
Editing a User
To edit the name, password or access level of an existing user, proceed as set out above and enter, or select from the pick list, the initial of an existing user in the initials entry box, followed by <Tab>. The system will load the user record and present it for edit, displaying the existing user name and entry level. The password fields will be disabled. The fields may be edited using the standard Windows editing keys, after which you may either click on [OK] or press <Enter> to commit the changes to file and return to a blank Edit password and users dialog box. To change the password for the user, click on the Change password button and enter the details of the new password in the dialog that appears.
Deleting a User
SQL is a relational database and you are not able to remove records that are referenced by other records in the database. Hence, it will not be possible to delete a user who has entered completion details as their record will be referred to from elsewhere. If you try and delete such a user, the system will display an error message indicating that this is not possible.
To remove a user from the user file, proceed as above for editing an existing user to display the user’s details. With the user displayed, click on the [Delete] button and the system will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete the user. If you answer in the affirmative, the user will be removed from the file, otherwise you will be returned to the Edit password and users dialog box without the user being removed.
In the likely event that the user you are trying to remove from the system has worked on existing data the system will not remove the user and instead an option to deactivate the user will be shown. If you select yes the system will ask you to confirm if you wish to remove the user's rights to access CCH Audit automation. It is possible to reactivate a previously deactivated user. Select the user and use the activate option from the Edit password and users dialog.
When you have finished adding, editing and deleting users, click on the [Close] button and the dialog box will be removed from the screen and focus will be returned to the Main window.