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CCH Software User Documentation

Module 2 - Setting up the Client File

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Navigation of main Index

As indicated, the index will either contain a duplicate of the menu structure, or a file index defined in the master pack to which the client is attached. The index is made up of folders and options. The folders can be nested to any depth and are identified by a folder icon.

Options are identified by the same icon that represents the routine used to access the same documents or processes in the CCH Audit Automation menu.

To open a folder, double click on the name of the folder. To run an option, single click on the name of the item.

You may also use the right mouse button to open a pop-up menu of options. The options available are:

  • Expand all. Expands all folders.
  • Collapse all. Collapses all folders.
  • Working paper review. If the index item selected is not a folder, this option will appear and allows you to record that you have reviewed the item.
  • Checking documents in and out (if the item selected is a document)           

Some index headings may be too long for the full text to be displayed. As the file index contains everything that needs to be done as part of the audit and before final sign off all items in the file index need to have been ticked as reviewed.

Please note: the main index can be amended at Master Pack level so that the order of how items appear and what the index actually contains is under the control of the systems manager.


The options in the Field work folder will be greyed out while in ‘Planning’ status and will only become highlighted when planning has been signed and the status has changed to ‘completion’.  However the ‘Current Audit File’ within the Field work folder can still be accessed while at planning status by selecting ‘current audit file’ from bottom of navigation panel

Setting up new client (i.e. creating an audit pack)

Select ‘create pack’ from file menu and key in alphanumeric code (this must be same client code as in accounts production system). Choosing ‘Pick’ will give you a list of all clients in your Central database, so you can select the client from that list



Key in name, address, postcode However, some info is pulled through from the Central Database by using the same client code as that in Central.

Click in master pack and ‘hand’ will become highlighted: select relevant master pack (for decision on full pack or small pack see below), then choose your office, partner and manager if applicable.

Tick relevant options at bottom of dialog box – please note following:

  • ‘We prepare TB and accounts’.  If this is ticked it will enable tests in programmes to be answered by selecting ‘covered by accounts’ option.  This invites user completing test to put an explanation in the comments box against the relevant tests.
  • The ‘control risk based on’ options do not apply to ISA audits and therefore can be ignored.
  • ‘Force on screen completion’ option must be ticked if using system to electronically sign off audit programmes, checklists etc.  There is a master pack setting which needs to be selected by clicking in the field.

Select TB control tab and following options will appear:

  • Multiple TB’s (select if require TB’s to be consolidated in CCH Audit Automation)
  • PROcost code (only relevant if running the PROcost practice management system)
  • Rounding account (key in balance sheet rounding account)
  • Reporting currency (key in currency symbol)
  • Past period end dates (key these in or use auto fill option)

Editing client set up data

If any of the above data needs to be changed at a later stage (e.g. change of year end).  Open client and select ‘control’ from the file menu then ‘control data’ from file drop down.  

Commencing Work on the Client

As soon as the client setup data has been entered click OK and the client can then be accessed by ‘loading’ the client (see below section ‘loading a client pack’ on page 11 for available options).

Trial Balance

The first step is usually to get figures into the TB.  This can be achieved in 3 different ways:

  1. Electronically import figures from either CCH Accounts Production or a third-party accounts production system (see Appendix 1)
  2. Key figures directly into the TB. Select data entry | current year TB.  Please note figures can also be keyed in for previous years.
  3. Estimate figures based on last year.  Select Utilities | estimate current year’s TB.  This will import previous year figures – user has option to increase or decrease figures across all accounts based on a %.  This can be a useful option if the audit needs to be started and the current year figures are not yet available, as the contents of the TB will automatically customise the audit programmes

Figures can be imported at any time so if estimates are used the real figures can then be imported when they become available which will override the estimated figures.  Please see Appendix one for import of TB instructions.

Figures can also be imported multiple times so consideration will need to be given concerning whether journal entries are processed through the accounts production system and imported or processed directly through CCH audit automation and then exported or reprocessed back into accounts production.

Tailoring Questions

These need to be answered as they can affect the contents of the audit programmes, checklists and the risk model.  Select tailoring questions from the Understanding the client’s business folder in the Main index.

Viewing what is now the client pack

To see the contents of the current audit file select it from the tab next to the main index.  This will show all the audit areas automatically set up by creating the client and importing or entering the TB.

Loading a client Pack



The Jump to code field will have focus and you can reposition the highlight by entering a code in the field, or by clicking on the name of a client. As with the Load audit pack dialog, the system remembers the last 10 clients you have worked on and will attempt to match the code as you type. The drop-down button displays this recently accessed list for you to select from. Once the correct client is highlighted, you can press <Enter>, to select it. You can also scroll through the list and select a client by double clicking on it. You may also use the Search by name facility to restrict the contents of the list.  You may also refine the list by choosing office / partner / manager.

Import Planning from another pack

This option is off the planning menu and can be used to move data from one client pack to another










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