Find Members
Viewing Members
To view the Members in your Organisation, click 'Members' in the left panel menu or the 'Members' tile on the overview page.
A list of current Members is displayed in alphabetical order by first name.
You can use the 'Search' field to filter the list.
NOTE: You can also use the Search box on the 'Join requests' and 'Pending invites' tabs of the Members page to search and filter a long list of Members.
To perform a search, type at least three letters into the 'Search' field. The search looks for the entered characters within the first name and last name of Members.
In this example, a search for 'par' will display four Members with the letters 'par' within the last name 'Partner' and 'Preparer':
To view the details of an individual Member, click their name in the displayed list. Their information will be displayed in the central column.