CCH iXBRL Review & Tag 2023.3: Release Notes
Release Highlights
This release of Review and Tag contains changes to the licensing of the product when installed as part of the CCH Central Suite and updates for the 2023 Taxonomies.
For sites with CCH Central
Installing CCH iXBRL Review & Tag 2023.3
This release is installed using the Central Suite Installer. This ensures that all prerequisites are in place and that all the products for which you are licenced are installed in the correct sequence. Click here to learn about the Central Suite Installer.
If you have installed Review & Tag on workstations, these are automatically updated the first time that you launch the workstation instance of the software while connected to the network. Please refer to the CSI installation instructions for more information.
For non CCH Central Sites
If you are not a Central user you should use the standalone installer. This needs to be run on each computer on which CCH iXBRL Review & Tag is installed. Please refer to the separate installation instructions for details.
Microsoft Prerequisites: Please note that the standalone installation requires the following Microsoft components to be present:
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 - for further information click here to go to our Knowledge Base FAQ article
Legislative & Compliance Updates
2023 Taxonomy - Added
Companies House now accepts accounts that have been tagged with the 2023 taxonomy.
The following taxonomies for 2023 have now been added:
- CHAR-FRS-102-2023-01-01
To update to a newer version of the taxonomies, go to Document Information screen and select a newer version of the required taxonomy:
Republic of Ireland
No taxonomies for Republic of Ireland have been retired in this release, all pre 2023 taxonomies are still available.
2023 Taxonomy - Added
The following taxonomies for 2023 have now been added:
- IE-FRS-102-DPL-2023-01-01
- IE-FRS-101-DPL-2023-01-01
- IE-IFRS-DPL-2023-01-01
The 2023 taxonomies were not accepted by the Revenue at the time these taxonomies were added and are not yet the default taxonomy.
From 2 September 2023, Revenue will accept iXBRL submissions tagged with the FRC's 2023 Irish Extension Taxonomies for entities with Financial Statements commencing on or after 1 January 2023.
2023 Taxonomies - Implemented
The following taxonomies have been implemented for 2023:
- FRC-2023-Taxonomy-v1.0.1
In addition to base taxonomies, HMRC’s Detailed Profit & Loss (DPL) taxonomy and SECR taxonomy have been incorporated into the main body of the FRC suite.
Sr. No |
Name of the Taxonomy |
Displayed as |
FRS-102-2023-01-01 |
FRS-102-DPL-SECR-2023-01-01 |
FRS-101-2023-01-01 |
FRS-101-DPL-SECR-2023-01-01 |
FULL-IFRS-2023-01-01 |
FULL-IFRS-DPL-SECR-2023-01-01 |
CHAR-FRS102-2022-01-01 |
CHAR-FRS102-2022-01-01 |
IE-FRS-102-2022-01-01 |
IE-FRS-102-DPL-2022-01-01 |
IE-FRS-101-2022-01-01 |
IE-FRS-101-DPL-2022-01-01 |
IE-IFRS-2022-01-01 |
IE-IFRS-DPL-2022-01-01 |
The new taxonomies are selected from Document Information screen:
Details of acceptance dates for the new and prior taxonomies as per the HMRC website are as follows:
CCH Accounts Production Dictionaries
The latest dictionary files have been updated for 2022 FRC and Ireland taxonomies. A dictionary file is not required for Charity taxonomy.
Quality Improvements
The following quality improvements have been made to licensing in this release.
VSTS - 299901 - ProfitLoss tag
Correction to the xml document generated from AP, due to the incorporation of the Detailed Profit & Loss taxonomy into the main FRS taxononies, the ProfitLoss tag was not being set correctly
This issue caused the following error when trying to submit to Companies House
VSTS 296260 - Tagging corrections
Corrected tagging for UK & Ireland LTD FRS102 - Directors Remuneration note, Company pension contributions to defined contribution schemes now tagged with Company contributions to money purchase plans, directors
Ireland - LTD FRS102 - corrected tag for Date of signing of Auditors Report
IFRS - Corrected tag for Company Registration number
VSTS - 266912 - More Tagging corrections
LTD FRS105 - Not tagging the balance sheet date correctly
ROI LTD FRS102 - bus_LegalFormEntity moved to Other data and removed tag from format.
LLP FRS105 - Companies House number incorrectly tagged
ROI FRS102 - DPL Mandatory tags added to MgmtDPL2 format
VSTS/299407 - "Attach to CT Return" button is not enabled in Review and tag
The inclusion of the DPL taxonomy caused the "Attach to CT" button to be disabled in error. The button will now be permanently enabled.
Online Filing Configuration
Following the migration of the CCH iXBRL Review and Tag licence to sit within CCH Central in the 2022.1 release, some customers received an error message when attempting to click on the hyperlinked filing status:
After re-entering the credentials the message persisted. We advised users to restart Central as the cache still retained the old data.
We have now added a warning message so that when a change is made to the iXBRL Settings advising that Central needs to be restarted:
Note: The warning message ONLY appears if CCH Central or CCH iXBRL Review and Tag are open when the changes are made.
Licence Count Warning Message
Following the upgrade to 2022.1 Customers licensed for CCH iXBRL Review and Tag but not for Online Filing were receiving one of the following messages:
- CCH iXBRL Review & Tag all current Companies House submissions have been used and you will not be able to make any further submissions. Please contact your account manager to discuss any additional licenses.
- CCH iXBRL Review & Tag only xxx Companies House submissions are left and you will not be able to make any further submissions when these have expired. Please contact your account manager to discuss any additional licenses.
Note: These messages only appear for customers licensed for online filing.
Information message appearing every time on launching R&T
Following the upgrade to 2022.1, after updating pin for other products, Customers were receiving the following Information message every time CCH iXBRL Review & Tag was launched:
This message only appears when R&T is launched for the first time after updating pin in CCH Central.
Restart Central and R&T desktop application on any credential change
In the 2022.1 release, users reported that the cache still held details in memory after changing any CCH iXBRL Review & Tag Settings; we advised users to restart CCH Central. We now provide an information message, advising to restart both CCH Central and CCH iXBRL Review & Tag when settings have been changed.