Add New Supplier Wizard - Step 2
The fields on this window are identical to those on the Extra tab of the Supplier page.
Where relevant, type or select a value for the 'Custom Field' and 'Custom Categories'. Mandatory fields, which appear in red font, must be completed before you can click Next or Finish.
This iconindicates a custom category. Select a value from the drop-down list that appears when you click in the Value field.
This iconindicates a custom field. Type the value in the Value field.
When you have entered all the mandatory information, you can click Finish and complete the supplier creation process. The supplier will be created using the information entered so far.
Note: entering information in the remaining windows (Steps 3 to 6) of the Add New Supplier Wizard is optional at this stage. Once the supplier is created, further details can be entered from the Supplier page.
To complete creating the supplier, click Finish.
The wizard closes and the Supplier page is displayed for the new supplier.
Click through the tabs to check, add or edit information.
To continue entering details for the supplier, click Next.
The Step 3 window appears. This is where you enter address details.