Add Foreign Income and Dividends Received by Foreign Entity
Open Foreign Income and Dividends Received by Foreign Entity. The default tab Other appears.
Click the Dividends tab to enter details relating to investments received, otherwise remain on the Other tab to enter income received from a foreign entity
Do one of the following in Trust / Company or other entity:
Type the name of the trust or company.
The entity you type will only be available for this source.
- Click
to select from your existing Contacts or create a new trust or company.
Describe the type of income in Description, for example, shares.
Select the origin of the income from the Country pull-down.
(Optional) If applicable, click Is by deduction.
Complete the following tax related fields:
- Amount before tax
- Foreign tax
- UK tax
If applicable, click the Is liable to UK corporation tax check box.
Enter the value of UK corporation tax in UK corporation tax.
Do one of the following in HMRC Office:
Enter the District Code for the tax office to automatically select it.
to select or create an HMRC office.
Click Saved.