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CCH Software User Documentation

Conversion Settings

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Conversion settings can be found at Maintenance > CGT and Dividend Scheduling > Convert Legacy Data.

Conversion Program


Setting Setting Value
Gains database connection string

[Gains conversion only] This is the connection string for converting from Gains. Its default value is:

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\ProsystemData\CGT and Dividend Scheduling\Data\FDSGains.mdb;User Id=<User Name>;Password=<Password>;

The default settings are usually correct apart from the <User Name> and <Password>. These 2 values should be edited in, usually by blanking them out as follows:

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\ProsystemData\CGT and Dividend Scheduling\Data\FDSGains.mdb;User Id=;Password=;

The Gains connection is not used in converting from SecTAX.

Overwrite duplicates

[ Affects both Gains and SecTAX conversion ] True/False.

This setting controls what the conversion does if the client does already exist in Central.

  • If False and there is CGT data already present for the client, then no CGT data is converted for this client.
  • If True and there is CGT data already present for the client then the existing CGT data is deleted and replaced with converted data.

It is necessary to set Overwrite duplicates to True if the conversion needs to be rerun for a client. 

Create new client if reference not in Central database

[ Affects both Gains and SecTAX conversion ] True/False.

This setting controls what the conversion does if the client does not already exist in Central.

  • If True then the system will create the client.
  • If False the client will not be converted.
SecTAX program folder

[ SecTAX conversion only ]

Browse to the location of the SecTAX programs folder which contains executable file WSECMP32.EXE.

SecTAX connection name

[ SecTAX conversion only ]

Once the SecTAX program folder has been selected, select the SecTAX database that contains the clients to be converted. The databases are named as in File > Open in SecTAX.



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