Dividend Schedule
Dividend Schedule Report Details
Securities are listed into separate Sections on the Dividend Schedule with the groupings being determined by the current year's Tax Return.
Each section has it's income totalled separately.
The system allows you to request, on the Calculation Processing Options screen, that a new page be started after each of these totals so that clarity can be maximised for individual Clients depending on specific requirements.
The Dividend Schedule contains all information that is relevant for the calculation of dividends and all changes to the overall holdings are reflected first in the Change of Holding column and then in the Balance of Holding column. Optionally it may also show the valuation of the closing positions.
When listing dividends and distributions the schedule will reflect the ex dividend date, payment date, rate of dividend and the actual amount paid.
Foreign dividend rates are displayed in the currency in which they were announced e.g. USD0.50 with the payment converted into Sterling at the prevailing rate of exchange.
The system can deal with situations where towards the end of a period a holding is sold which would still rank for a dividend payment in the next period.
For example if a Security was sold on April 1st, but still ranked for a dividend due to be paid on April 30th, (normally in the next period) the Sale, or Transfer, would be identified by an asterisk (*) and the relevant dividend would be generated automatically in the next period.
The system can also provide a valuation of each quoted Security held on the Portfolio on the last day of the period requested. If required this facility should be requested on the Calculation Processing Options screen. This is a "mid-market" valuation and the system will show the actual date of the valuation used.