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CCH Software User Documentation

CCH Gains Conversion

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Visit the Conversion Settings window before starting a live conversion - Maintenance >  CGT and Dividend Scheduling > Convert Legacy Data.

Gains Conversion

The Gains conversion program looks for a match between the Central Client Code and the Gains Reference (not portfolio reference). If no match is found then a new Central Client can be created providing you have set the option for Create New Client to true on the Settings window.

The conversion program has been designed to run on multiple occasions so an Overwrite Duplicates setting has also been provided.

The conversion interface displays whether the Gains client already exists in Central.

Prior to running the live conversion it is advisable to select the Pre Validation option. This will go through the conversion process without actually writing any data to the Central Database. When the Pre Validation completes you will be presented with a report. The report will contain a listing of how many transactions were converted and how many were rejected. A separate line will detail the reason for each rejection.



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