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CCH Software User Documentation

Security Code Lookup

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This screen is used to find the Security Code for a given Security.



Security Code

This field is usually left blank.  If part of a security code is entered then matching codes are displayed in the Securities Matched.


Enter all, or the start, of the Security name, e.g. Marks, for Marks & Spencer, into the Security field. Matching securities are displayed below. The first word entered must match the start of the Company Name, but later words can match words in either the Company Name or the Description. For instance, entering "FIDELITY INC"  matches securities such as "Fidelity Funds / Income Units"  where “Income Units” is in the Description field. It does not match "Professional Life Fidelity Inc Units", because although "Fidelity" is present, it is not the first word. This option is useful for searching for funds or gilts, e.g. "Treasury 2030".

Radio buttons

To narrow down to search further the user can select from various subsets of securities. Most of the options are self-evident, but Popular Securities refers to securities in the FTSE 350. The Popular filter is only available for years 2004/05 onwards.


This link takes the user to the CCH Security Codes website. This can be used to perform lookups by ISIN code or request that new securities are added to the master file.

Sedol Code Lookup

The Lookup button is available to users of CCH Codes. It allows a security code to be looked from its SEDOL code.

Securities Matched

The securities matched are displayed underneath the Filters. Use the Up or Down arrow keys to select the specific Security and then double click or click the Select button.

  • Note: Sometimes several securities have exactly the same description. There are two possible reasons for this..
  • A security can have different CGT or income treatments, e.g.  a user can receive dividends in sterling or in another currency. In this case CCH creates "Mirror" codes to reflect the alternative treatment. If SEDOL codes are in use then mirror codes start with a 9; if CCH codes are in use they start with a Z. (Codes starting with a 9 or a Z and called "9 codes".) CCH is gradually converting the descriptions of the mirror codes to give an indication of why they were set up. Note that most "9 codes" are not mirror codes. They are created for other purposes, e.g. for unlisted securities. If it is not clear which code to use, use the code which is not the "9-code".
  • A second reason for duplicate securities appearing is that a single security can be quoted on several exchanges and so have several SEDOL codes. Usually the only difference between the codes is that prices are quoted in the currency of the exchange, but since CGT & DS converts all prices to sterling, little difference is visible in practice. Most users just select the first of the matching codes, as that is more likely to be a UK code.



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