CCH Reporting 2022.1: Release Notes
Installing CCH Central 2022.1
This release is installed using the Central Suite Installer. This ensures that all prerequisites are in place and that all the products for which you are licenced are installed in the correct sequence.
Click here to find out more about the Central Suite Installer.
Software Enhancements
Mail Merge option within Reporting
Within this release, users can perform a mail merge from a report while being present within CCH Reporting. The usual mail merge output selection applies:
- Letters
- Labels
- CCH OneClick (if licenced)
Note: Once the mail merge option has been selected, the Steps within the mail merge wizard are exactly the same as if the option was selected from Find Clients.
The mail merge option which is present within the ribbon is only available when the user creates a report using the Create grid or grid option within Create using Wizard.
Report Creation
Click Create Grid from the ribbon bar, the report layout is automatically created with the first column being a check box.
Add the required fields to build the report. Ensure that the Name field is present on the report. Apply any filtering if applicable.
Note: The Name field needs to be selected, BUT can be marked hidden from the report display if required.
Tick the check box within the column heading to select ALL records or alternatively individually select the required rows.
Click Mail/Email Merge from Ribbon and perform the mail merge as normal.
If the Name field is not present on the report, when clicking the Mail/Email Merge option the following message is shown:
If no rows are selected on the report, when clicking the Mail/Email Merge option the following message is shown:
The message above is the same message shown if no records were selected within the Find Clients window.
Remove the tick from the check box within the column heading to un-select ALL records
Advanced filter and column filtering
There are two types of filtering that can be applied to the report. Advanced Filter and Column Filtering:
Advanced Filter
Click the Filter option on the ribbon to show the standard Central Advanced Filter. Click the
to apply filtering to the report.
Useful Information! Using advanced filtering will return the filtered results faster and it is recommended to use this form of filtering where applicable.
Column Filter
The result within the grid can be filtered by either selecting the icon within the column heading or by right-mouse clicking within the column heading and selecting
from the list.
Once a Column filter has been applied, users are able to Clear or Edit the filter by right-mouse clicking within the column heading and selecting either depending on which is required.
Useful Information! Column filtering is recommended to be used in conjunction with calculated columns as calculated columns are not available for selection within the Advanced Filter.
Mail Merge Letter - add a new template
A new mail merge template can be created from within Reporting, allowing the specific reporting fields from the opened report to be available for selection within the letter template. The Merge Fields available that are specific to reporting are prefixed with Reporting_xxxxx within the Insert Merge Field option box.
Mail Merge Letter - Edit template
Editing an existing template can also be done from within Reporting, this allows any specific reporting fields from the opened report to be available for selection within the letter template. The Merge Fields available that are specific to reporting are prefixed with Reporting_xxxxx within the Insert Merge Field option box.
Calculated Columns
Calculated columns are not available as a mail merge field as these fields are calculated at the report level and not at the database level. Filtering can be applied within the report to ascertain the required results and the Mail merge then can be performed on the filtered results.
Pivot Tables
The Mail/Email Merge option is not available for use within Pivot tables and the following message is shown where the mail merge option is selected from the ribbon bar.