CCH Practice Management 2022.1: Release Notes
Installing CCH Practice Management 2022.1
This release is installed using the Central Suite Installer. This ensures that all prerequisites are in place and that all the products for which you are licenced are installed in the correct sequence. Click here to learn about the Central Suite Installer.
Legislative & Compliance Updates
ITS 53653 - Group Billing Deletion
The ability to delete clients that have been involved with group billing is currently out on pilot being tested/reviewed by a small number of clients and will be released once findings have been received and assessed.
Software Enhancements
Workflow Homepage - Assignment/Jobs to include WIP budget and WIP budget left
Within this release on the workflow homepage when selecting an Assignment/Job workflow, two additional fields have been included within the field chooser. WIP Budget and WIP Budget Left.
Set the WIP Budget within the Job/Schedule Details:
Start the workflow and the two new fields onto the homepage against the relevant workflow.
The value entered within the Job/Schedule WIP Budget box is the value displayed in the WIP Budget field on the homepage. The value within the WIP Budget Left field is the amount left after an expense sheet (taken from the charge value column) or timesheet is posted against the relevant Job for the applicable client/Assignment.
Quality Improvements
ITS 65036 - Partners with Disabled Timesheet ticked are not available for selection
Previously, when an employee was ticked for Disabled Timesheets AND that employee was also within the Partner list, the employee/partner was no longer available for selection.
ITS 52678 - Billing wizard stage 1 - associations with an end date still appearing
Previously, if an association had an end date, it was still appearing within the Relationship drop-down on Stage 1 of the Billing Wizard.
ITS 63909 - Line Text / Line Amount merge fields intermittently not resolving
It has been reported that some Practices are experiencing intermittent issues where the Line Text / Line Amount merge fields within the billing template are not resolving. Some improvements have been made within this area.
ITS 63970 - Twinfield Integration - Cash import fails when attempting to import a zero receipt
Previously, when trying to import cash from Twinfield, if the import held a zero receipt the import would fail. The zero receipts are now being excluded.
ITS 65031 - Bills tab - performance issue on loading
Previously, when accessing the client's Bills Tab, there was an approximate 13-second delay before opening.
ITS 66156 - Delivery Method not being applied to bills created via Bulk Billing
Previously, when raising bills via the Bulk Billing routine, the Delivery Method that was applied against the relevant assignment was not being applied.
ITS 66107 - Fee Budgets - unable to select fee budget from drop-down
Since upgrading to 2021.3, schedules were not being shown in the Job/Schedule drop-down list under Assignment > WIP > Fee Budgets and Repeats Bills.
Fee Budgets - Fee Budgets are not being committed
Previously, when selecting a different schedule from the Job/Schedule drop-down list under Assignment > WIP > Fee Budgets and Repeats Bills the new schedule was not being saved.
Document Creating - Filing to Document Management - spelling mistake
Previously, when bills were being filed in Document Management where the PMDMEnable configuration key was active, Management was spelled incorrectly within the Document Creation pop-up box.
ITS 66147 - Bulk bill extra fields fails to process bills (Included within 2021.3 Service Pack 2)
Since upgrading to 2021.3 Service Pack 1, when performing the Bulk Bill Extra fields routine, the bills failed to process either on Create Draft or Finish and Post.
Notable Issues
Currently, schedules are being included within the Jobs section as well as under the Schedule section within the Schedule/Jobs tab within an assignment. This is to be looked at in a later release.