CCH Document Management 2022.3: Release Notes
Installing CCH Document Management 2022.3.
This release is installed using the Central Suite Installer. This ensures that all prerequisites are in place and that all the products for which you are licenced are installed in the correct sequence. Click here to learn about the Central Suite Installer.
Software Enhancements
Upgrade of Scan ABBYY licensing to version 12
The ABBYY licence has been upgraded to version 12. To obtain the new licence pin, please access the following link (or manually copy the link within your browser) and submit your request.
Warning! Once this update has been installed, the CCH OCR Service will continue to process scanned documents ONCE the new ABBYY 12 licence pin has been applied.
Customers will be issued a single licence pin, The ABBYY 12 page count is registered and managed online and allows the Practice to use this pin across multiple installations of the CCH OCR Service (This will improve existing load balancing, without the need for additional ABBYY licence pins).
Activation of the new ABBYY 12 licence pin requires the following conditions to be met on the machine hosting the CCH OCR Service:
- Permanent active internet connection.
- Allowed connections to * on port 443.
Note! For additional information regarding ABBYY Licence 12, please see the following link:
Customers can still make use of the ABBYY Licence Manager to view the remaining page count within C:\Program Files (x86)\CCH OCR Service\Abbyy\LicenseManager.exe.
Quality Improvements
ITS 59300 - Multiple Document Store - Documents are not removed from the additional databases
Previously, where a Practice had multiple document databases when destroying a document, the document was only removed from the 'main' database. Where the document was marked as [IsActive=true], while the subsequent document databases had this set as [IsActive=false] and therefore were not being destroyed.
ITS 66349 - Document Upload - Incorrect extra fields warning popup
Since 2022.2, where a Practice had set up a default Document Type, on document upload when the user changed the Document Type, the system displayed the Extra Field Warning popup box, however, both the source and target Document Type do not have valid extra fields set up for the Client Library. But on checking the Extra button, a [None] value was prepopulated.
ITS 62858 - OCR Service loop - excessive Audit Trail entries
Previously, when the OCR Service got stuck in a loop, it continually updated the Audit Trail resulting in excessive entries being created and increasing the audit trail size.
ITS 66359 - Losing documents on office plugin check-in
Previously, when checking in a checked-out and edited Word and/or Excel document, the edited version did not appear in CCH Central, the audit trail records the removal of the checked-out flags, but the new version was not inserted.
Create Document from Global Document Centre displays Working Paper within Library as default
Previously, when selecting Create Document from the Global Document Centre, Working Papers was displayed as the only Library available within Filing details.
Notable Issues
SMTP Alignment and Image Rendering issues
When using images within the body of the email, there are either alignment or rendering issues (eg: company logos and email signatures), this is currently still being investigated and will be addressed within a future release.