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CCH Software User Documentation

How does it work? Clickthru

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To help you with the transition into the world of online software, we have implemented a modern new tool into CCH OneClick, called Clickthru. It has been designed to educate you and your staff by seamlessly walking you through the areas relevant to you within CCH OneClick.

As well as showing you how to use each component of CCH OneClick, to help expand your understanding, we have also included video content along with hints and tips. As soon as additional functionality has been added to CCH OneClick, Clickthru will be updated to highlight the benefits to you and your practice.

Clickthru recognises when a new user logs into CCH OneClick and it will prompt the user to take a tour of unfamiliar components of the CCH OneClick solution. If you need to refresh your memory at any time on any of the components within CCH OneClick whether it be Open Integration or Making Tax Digital, a simple click of a button will re-activate Clickthru.



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