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CCH Software User Documentation

Add Other UK Investment Income

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  1. Open the Other UK Investment Income section.
  2. Select the category that the incomes falls in from the Type pull-down.
  3. In Source, select or enter a description of the source. For example, Annuities 2.5%.
  4. Complete the following:
  5. Date of transaction
  6. Quantity
  7. Amount received
  8. Click Paid Gross, if the amount was paid without the deduction of tax.

Note: You cannot enter the tax amount deducted if you select the Paid Gross check box.

  1. Enter any tax paid in Tax Deducted.

  1. Click Save and Close.

Note: When you import data from CCH SecTAX then Imported from SecTAX is automatically selected. You cannot modify this data within CCH Personal Tax.


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